Tuesday, February 05, 2013

CSI: Plantagenets*

My friends. They are the greatest friends.

So researchers have confirmed that a skeleton found under a parking lot is, in fact, the skeleton of Richard III. Naturally, my friends from college were super into it.

So. We did.

(My excited what?)

And several of my friends tuned in. We got through the first three Scenes of Act I. Buncha pictures:

Terry makes the best Queen Elizabeth.

Manda played Rivers and Margaret, with appropriate headgear for each.

Terry, as Queen Elizabeth.

Kristin is sneakily disguised.

LISA as Gloucester.

Lisa froze! No!!



Kristin is the original hipster.

 Again. Terry and his shelf of awesome hats.

Terry had the best hats, even though his were analog.

 Kristin, sneakily disguised.
 Terry as... someone?

Emily as Gloucester. Evil dude. 

*Still Mo Rocca's joke. Man, I wish it were mine.